How to answer “why should I hire you”?

How to answer “why should I hire you”?

After you successfully cleared all the stages of the interview, the final question from most of the interviewer is “why should I hire you”

Today I will show you how to impress your recruiter from the question “why should I hire you”

Why do interviewer ask such a question "why should I hire you instead of other qualified applicants?"

From this question interviewer will understand your ability to sell yourself and how you highlight yourself from others. From each and every question interviewer try to gather information about you. Because it the duty of the interviewer to choose the right candidate among hundreds of qualified talented applicants.


To succeed in a job interview, you should proof the interviewer you are more than qualified and by recruiting you, the interviewer will also get a good score.

Afterall it’s the duty of the interviewer to choose right candidate who will satisfy all expectation of the company. If a person recruited by the interviewer perform well in work, give excellent results to the company. It also reflects the score of the interviewer and his reputation.

If a person selected by the interviewer performs poor, leaves the job in short period or doesn’t obey his superiors. Each and every thing reflects score the interviewer, in some cases recruiting a wrong person may result in interviewer losing his job.

So the interviewer triggers different questions and tests your quality, talent, and behavior.

Let's we see how to answer “why should I hire you”

For this question, your answer should explain more than your qualification and talents because most of the applicants will have the same. Your answer may include

  • Your performance in the last job.
  • Awards from high school and colleges.
  • You can add your talents with work experience to highlight your talents.

If you are applying for a graphic designer position, you can combine your past graphic design experience with awards you got for a good team lead or good team worker. If you don’t own any awards or you are fresher. You may add your performance in high school or colleges.

Example: if you are fresher
I proved myself as a good graphic designer in many events I participated. list out one or two, more than a graphic designer I am the head of the disciplinary committee in my high school. So I can give best results in work as well as give my contribution to maintaining work culture and company's reputation.
Read more articles from “How to Answer” and “Interview Tips” section to know more, it's very important to impress your recruiter in each and every move to make the jobs yours


All the best…

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