Why did you leave your last jobs?

You will always get this question in all interview.


If you say “I got fired”, really it will give a bad opinion.

Not to worry there are lots of ways to answer this question. I will show you.

The main reason to ask this question is:

To find whether you are a good employee or bad employee. The answer will let the interviewer understand your behavior.

The interviewer is checking:

·       Whether you have a good reason for leaving your job

·       Are you running away or pursuing a new opportunity

·       Will you value work and have a sense of obligation.

Keep these things in mind while answering this question:

·       You’re moving on to a better opportunity.

·       You have no hard feeling against your former employer.

·       You value work and have a sense of obligation.

Never lie during an interview, but avoid the followings:

·       Badmouthing a former employer even if that is fact

·       Don’t victimize yourself

Interview may also ask:

·       Why did you leave a particular job

·       Why there is a carrier gap

·       Why were you fired

How to answer example:

Wrong: I got fired because I did not get along with my supervisor. We went together like peanut butter and asparagus, she was the asparagus, obviously.

correct: I am leaving my current job to pivot into a different industry. As you can see, I left good terms with my former employer as he is one of my references.

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